We are always grateful for your support of Shady Grove United Methodist Church. Your generosity ensures that vibrant ministries and missions are possible as we seek to make the world a better place.
You may donate to the General Fund (used to pay for things such as electricity, staff salaries, ministry opportunities, and outreach), Building Maintenance, Cemetery Fund, or the Zobel Salkehatchie Fund, which provides scholarships for Salkehatchie to church members.
We’ve noticed that giving by credit card can add an extra processing fee, which diminishes the full impact of your gift. If you are able, we encourage you to consider switching to ACH (Automated Clearing House) giving under bank account. ACH transactions do not incur additional fees, ensuring that your full donation goes directly to supporting the work of the church.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ” Matthew 6:21 NIV
Please follow the link below to a secure website through Vanco for giving to the church.